2021 實體活動響應辦法來囉!請務必詳細閱讀辦法,有任何疑問歡迎聯繫我們😀
- 選擇適合打掃的地點:
l 需評估打掃環境的安全性
l 決定清掃的細節與所需的裝備 - 規劃垃圾清運的路線與計畫:
l 若是淨灘或淨山,需得到主管單位的同意
l 若需要垃圾清運,可聯絡當地環保局 - 組成cleanup的團隊並選出團隊負責人
l 相關社群曝光請聯絡 LET’S DO IT! Taiwan 的公關
l 連絡信箱:letsdoittaiwanwcd@gmail.com,王小姐 - 請記得幫志工辦理保險,並且確保18歲以下的志工參與需要有家長陪同或者經家長同意
- 首先將志工分組,並且分配清掃工具
- 簡單說明參與規則,並宣導安全守則
l 請記得活動全程須遵守政府頒布的 covid-19安全準則
l 請提供衛生相關的物品:例如水、肥皂、酒精等 - 說明清掃的標準,盡量撿拾人為的垃圾
l 盡量撿拾人為的垃圾
l 非人為的垃圾,請將它留在原地 - 說明分類的標準
l 將垃圾分類可回收、不可回收量兩大類
l 可回收垃圾的分類細節,請參照當地的環保單位準則 - 如果打掃過程中,發現廢棄的車子、武器或者可疑的東西,請聯絡當地警察局,注意任何危險物品
- 清掃時,避免破壞環境與古蹟
- 將所有的垃圾秤重,並且請環保單位將垃圾清運
- 將您的清掃成果、參與人數、垃圾的總數量回報給台灣窗口
l 回報表單:https://forms.gle/Re469pduf8draHCKA - 將此次的活動照片分享在自己的社群媒體上,同時也標記 LET’S DO IT! Taiwan 的 Facebook 粉專 / Instagram 帳號
Physical activity of 2021 is coming! Please make sure to read the instruction in detail. If you have any questions, please contact us 😀
Before you start the cleanup
(1) Choose a place suitable for cleaning:
l Evaluate the safety of the cleaning environment
l Decide on the details of cleaning and the equipment needed
(2) Organize the route and plan of garbage removal:
l If you want to clean the beach or the mountain, the approval of the local authority is required
l If you need the help of garbage removal, you can contact the local environmental protection bureau
(3) Form a cleanup team and select a team leader
l If you want social media exposure, please contact the PR of LET’S DO IT! Taiwan
l Contact mailbox: letsdoittaiwanwcd@gmail.com, Miss Wang
(4) Please remember to apply for insurance for volunteers, and ensure that volunteers under the age of 18 need to be accompanied by or approved by their parents
When you do the cleanup
(5) Group the volunteers and assign cleaning tools
(6) Briefly explain the rules of participation and promote safety rules
l Please remember that the entire event must comply with the covid-19 safety guidelines issued by the government
l Please provide hygiene items such as water, soap, alcohol, etc.
(7) Explain the cleaning standards and try to pick up man-made garbage
l Try to pick up man-made garbage
l Non-artificial garbage, please leave it in place
(8) Explain the classification criteria
l Separate garbage into two categories: recyclable and non-recyclable
l For details on the classification of recyclable garbage, please refer to the local environmental protection agency guidelines
(9) If you find abandoned cars, weapons, or suspicious things during the cleaning process, please contact the local police station and pay attention to any dangerous items
(10) When cleaning, avoid destroying the environment and historic sites
(11) Weigh all the garbage and ask the environmental protection unit to remove the garbage
After the cleanup
(12) Report your cleaning results, the number of participants, and the total amount of garbage to LET’S DO IT! Taiwan
l Report here: https://forms.gle/Re469pduf8draHCKA
(13) Share the photos of your efforts on your social media, and also mark LET’S DO IT! Taiwan on the Facebook fan/Instagram account