The World Cleanup Day banner at COP27 is bringing smiles on the faces of bypassers: a blend of curiosity about World Cleanup Day, but also a strong sense of recognition as many people hold fresh memories of being part of the last World Cleanup Day! It feels important enough to mention as a true example of global connection.

Within two days at COP27, Let’s Do It World attended and led several meetings and panels about World Cleanup Day, with the key message that big civic movements are powerful tools to achieve seismic social shifts.
We talked about the essence of the Let’s Do It World as a movement, and of its network as a powerful engine that creates global change. This change starts within ourselves as environmental leaders and activists, and leads to cultivating new norms and values in societies. We are also building a vital training-ground for new leaders and working towards governmental engagement, youth empowerment as well as gender equality.
Let’s Do It World is shifting societies in multiple aspects.
COP27 also marked an important milestone in Let’s Do It World’s development. Our meeting with UN-Habitat Chief Executive, Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, and with Minister of Environment of the Estonian Republic, Mr. Madis Kallas focused on accelerating social shifts in society as well as the interest by the UN to create stronger impact by integrating World Cleanup Day into the official UN calendar. With the support from the Estonian government, World Cleanup Day will be voted as Day for the UN Calendar at the next UN General Assembly, in September 2023.
Let’s Do It World 為全球最大公民行動的環保志工組織,受邀於2022年11月6日至18日參與第 27 屆聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP27),針對全球最大公民行動「世界環境清潔日」英文World Cleanup Day 舉辦一系列的主題演講與會議討論。面對極端的氣候變遷、能源問題、糧食不足等危機,全球公民行動成為一股不可忽視的力量,其活動背後的人脈組織連結,將可帶動強大的影響。
此次會議為Let’s Do It World還有一項重要里程碑,我們與聯合國人居署(UN-Habitat)執行董事梅穆納·穆哈·沙里夫(Maimunah Mohd Sharif)和愛沙尼亞環境部部長Madis Kallas進行討論,預計將每年九月的世界環境清潔日(World Cleanup Day)列入聯合國的國際日,藉此強化全球行動的關聯性,近期將發布投票結果。

Another important discussion happened between LDIW and ISWA, represented by the President of ISWA, Mr. Carlos Silva Filho, and the Managing Director of ISWA, Mr. Marc Tijhuis, about the possible future collaborations and the practical aspects working towards greater impact together. Attendanding the countries’ booths provided a great opportunity to find partner networks also at the national levels.