聯合國成員支持世界環境清潔日(World Cleanup Day)正式列入聯合國官方日曆

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2023年6月9日於肯亞 奈洛比 (Nairobi)

在奈洛比舉行的聯合國人居署人居大會(Habitat General Assembly of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme)的193個成員國通過決議,建議聯合國大會宣告9月20日為 “世界環境清潔日(World Cleanup Day以下簡稱WCD)”,從2024年起每年舉行紀念活動。該決議還邀請所有會員國、聯合國組織和其他相關單位紀念世界清潔日。


“清潔活動在採取正向行動方面扮演了關鍵性的角色,它使世界各地的人們能夠在同一天組織起來,清潔我們的地球。”聯合國人居署執行主任兼聯合國副秘書長Maimunah Mohd Sharif表示:”在全球範圍內動員如此多的人,為全球社會樹立了一個榜樣,即為必須團結起來,改變觀念,引領變革,建設更清潔、更健康、更宜居的城市和社區。”

世界清潔日組織者 Let’s Do It World 總裁兼全球網絡負責人 Heidi Solba 表示:“浪費是症狀,是我們生活方式的殘酷結果,應該從循環中設計出來。世界清潔日旨在動員地球上 5% 的人口大規模動員起來,撿拾垃圾並改變社會行為。我們需要推動社會變革,推動跨部門合作來解決問題,需要大家的支持和參與!我們很高興能得到193個成員國的支持,並被列入聯合國官方日曆。”

作為一個全球性組織,Let’s Do It World 是世界上最大的環保運動,包括190多個國家和數以百萬計的志願者,支持建立一個更清潔的世界。Let’s Do It World 是一個全球性組織,也是聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)和聯合國環境大會(UNEA)的認可合作夥伴。該組織也是世界環境清潔日 (World Cleanup Day)的組織者,世界環境清潔日(World Cleanup Day)將全球數百萬人團結在一起,開展馬拉松式的清潔活動。





June 9, 2023

Whole 193 Member States of the UN Habitat General Assembly of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme in Nairobi, adopted the resolution positively and recommends that the UN General Assembly proclaim the date of 20 September as World Cleanup Day, to be observed annually from 2024 onwards. It is also inviting all Member States, UN organizations and other stakeholders to observe the World Cleanup Day.

The global civil society action, World Cleanup Day, takes place annually on the third Saturday in September. It is the largest bottom-up citizen movement in the world dedicated to eliminating environmental pollution and plastic waste and to boost the societal shift in societies. Every year, millions of people in 191 countries clean up streets, parks, beaches, forests, rivers, shores, and our seas of carelessly discarded waste and plastic rubbish. The campaign has seen tremendous success, with over 15 million participants from more than 190 countries participating in last year’s cleanup.

“Cleanups play a key role in taking positive actions and empowering people to organize themselves around the world to clean up our planet all on the same day. Mobilizing so many people globally sets an example for the global community on the importance of coming together to change mindsets and lead the change for cleaner, healthier and more livable cities and communities”, said Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director UN-Habitat and United Nations Under-Secretary-General. 

“The waste is the symptom, a cruel result of our lifestyle, which shall be designed out from the circle. World Cleanup Day aims to bring 5 % of the Earth’s population to massive mobilisation to pick up the waste and to change society’s behaviour. We need to create a societal shift and to boost cross-sectoral cooperation toward the solutions, and we need everyone’s support and participation in it! We are excited to have support from all 193 member states here, to be listed on the UN official calendar,” marked Heidi Solba, President and Head of the Global Network at Let’s Do It World, organiser of the World Cleanup Day.

As a global organization, Let’s Do It World is the world’s biggest environmental movement, including over 190 countries and millions of volunteers, whom all stand for a cleaner world. Let’s Do It World is a global organisation and an accredited partner of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). The organisation is also the organiser of World Cleanup Day which unites millions of people across the globe in a marathon clean-up. 

The next WCD will take place on the 16th of September 2023, when once again millions of people will unite to take another step towards a cleaner world.

For more information, please visit World Cleanup Day webpage.